The Foxton Years 3 and 4 Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation (SPaG) Study and Practice Books complement each other, dividing the lower key stage SPaG curriculum between them, so as to cover all the recommended learning objectives for this age range. This book is divided into helpful sections:Sound Spelling – revisits and practises the SPaG curriculum up to and including Year 4 to help students to spell a wider vocabulary. It looks at letter sounds and new vocabulary that use these sounds.Wonderful Words – adds to the spelling tips and rule reminders about prefixes, suffixes, word families, homophones and more.Strong Sentences – helps to develop students' ability to connect sentences, understand how to use fronted adverbials and develop their grammar use.Tidy Text – offers students tips about how to use paragraphs to structure their writing, making it more organised and meaningful, whilst writing in the correct tenses.Powerful Punctuation – focuses on different types of punctuation and its effect and how to use inverted commas.