One of the many challenges facing early childhood teachers is how to meet academic standards while creating learning environments that honor young children’s mathematical curiosity. In Early Childhood Math Routines Empowering Young Minds to Think, author Toni Cameron introduces us to a set of short whole-group and partner routines designed to engage young children in meaningful math thinking and build problem-solving communities. With contributions from Patricia Gallahue and Danielle Iacoviello, Cameron reimagines traditional math routines and introduces brand new routines that focus on the important mathematical ideas of early childhood. Through stories, classroom examples, and resources, Cameron offers you the tools to get started right away with these routines. Inside you'll find the following resources: Innovative routines of student-teacher dialogue and teaching analysis to support you in planning and facilitating; Clear explanations of the big mathematical ideas in early childhood math; Access to a robust companion website which includes; downloadable and printable cards/gameboards, over 30 slide decks for facilitating routines, additional practice routines, supplemental readings, and a place value interview assessment; A day-by-day suggested planning guide to introducing and developing each routine in your classroom; Learn from Cameron's experience supporting the complexities of early childhood mathematics while also building communities that foster social, emotional, and cognitive development in young children. Get the tools and routines that will help you connect children to mathematics in a way that is exciting and powerful.
About the Author
Antonia Cameron is the CEO and co-founder of reimaginED, a coaching organization devoted to improving teaching and learning in mathematics.Her current interests are on revitalizing early childhood math learning as well as finding ways to develop transformative feedback cultures in schools. As part of this work, she is facilitating learning communities focused on (1) the role of the principal in providing effective feedback; (2) the power of the teacher-student conference (helping teachers develop ways of conferring with students to allow for productive struggle); and, (3) the role of coaching in developing teacher leadership and leadership networks. Her recent publication,Agents of Change, How Content Coaching Transforms Teaching,co-authored with Lucy West, is used nationally as a tool to mentor coaches and other leaders.Toni has served as Co-Director withCathy Fosnot of Mathematics in the City (MitC), a national center forprofessional development at CityCollege of the City University of NewYork.As co-principal investigator of an NSF-funded project, sheco-authored the fifteen facilitator-guides that were part of theYoung Mathematicians at WorkCD-ROMs. She and her colleagues cultivated an extraordinary capacity to develop student learning in the teachers they coached. Inaddition, she co-authored two units (“Gamesâ€and“Muffles' Trufflesâ€) inthe curriculum,Contexts for Learningpublished byHeinemann.Toni is in demand as acoach of coachesbyeducational coaches across the USA and Canada. She has presentednationally andinternationally at such conferences as NCSM, NCTM, AMTE, NSDCand ICME.@metamorphtlc