The Foxton Year 3 Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Practice Book complements the Foxton Year 4 SPaG Study and Practice Book and is divided into helpful sections:Sound Spelling - A section dedicated to reviewing and practising sound patterns taught in Years 1 and 2.Wonderful Words - This looks at more sound patterns, word types and families, word endings and beginnings, word origins and homophones, spellings and more.Strong Sentences - This section helps your child use a variety of words to make interesting sentences using different sentence types, clauses, conjunctions, prepositions and more.Tidy Text - Here we take a look at how to write in a logical, appealing way using paragraphs, titles, subheadings and the right tenses.Powerful Punctuation - This section gives your child the tools to punctuate their writing accurately enabling the reader to precisely interpret their words.