Lowest Price 500.18
Highest Price 920.00
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All Maui Jim sunglasses are equipped with PolarizedPlus2¨ technology lenses that reduce the impact of the blinding glare of the sun, protects you from harmful UV rays and at the same time enhances the colours revealing the beauty of the world around you.
Enjoy the best UV protection along with exclusive styling, incredible durability, glare-free vision and colour highlighting technology.
HCL¨ Bronze-Versatile in variable conditions with a warm tone.
MauiPure¨ LT - MauiPure LT est plus lŽger et 27 % plus fin, il offre une qualitŽ optique presque aussi nette que le verre minŽral avec une rŽsistance aux impacts et aux rayures exceptionnelle.
Extremely lightweight and durable high quality nylon.