In the early 1980s, young Chicago architect Phil Ashley and his live-in girlfriend, TV newscaster Alison Knight, find themselves locked in an unlikely love triangle with a neighboring temptress whose undraped window appearances trigger untimely, unfinished spiritual and emotional issues left over from the psychedelic sixties.When Phil is offered an unusual architectural project set in the countercultural West Coast waterfront community of Samsara, the pair agree to temporarily part ways in hopes that a break will do them good.Little did they suspect that their romantic recess would soon turn chaotic when Samsara's pirate broadcast featuring aqua goddess Pearl explodes into international headlines. Could the untimely uproar help reunite the troubled couple... or bring a dramatic end to their relationship?
About the Author
Jay L. MacDonald, a former award-winning United Press International wire service reporter based in Chicago, grew up in Seattle, Washington, during the psychedelic Sixties. His frequent journeys between his two early homes inspired him to craft his jaw-dropping romance based on a timely premise: how would a young couple fare if they had to find their own home between two radically different environments?