RocknRoll Unravelled tells the story of rocknroll from its roots up until mid-1970s punk. Not just the music but also the external events which shaped the music, such as the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights struggle. The books unique three-part structure provides: 1 Timeline: a chronological timeline of events which shows careers and genres ebbing and flowing; 2 It Happened Today: events, recording sessions, album and singles releases, births and deaths, major festivals, key events in the Vietnam War and Civil Rights struggle and much more; 3 Pocket Histories: built up from all of the artists and band stories in part 2, plus a look how major bands like the Beatles, Stones and Led Zeppelin came together, and where musicians came from and went to when they joined and left bands. Record Collector magazine described the book as, Shelmerdine has made a painstaking effort to document pretty much every event that would prove significant in shaping popular music [he] has produced a comprehensive guide in this endlessly distracting and weighty labour of love. Dr Hooks Dennis Locorriere said of the book, You can trace the roads weve traveled. Here in RocknRoll Unravelled! Well researched and informative as hell! RocknRoll Unravelleds 700 pages bring the lives and times of the 1950s 60s and 70s vividly to life.