"Long Shadows" or "Daddy Long Legs" is a novel by American author Jean Webster. The story revolves around an orphan girl named Judy Abbott, who receives a scholarship to study at Lincoln High School from a man she does not know, whose pseudonym is John Smith. She has dubbed him "Daddy Long Legs" because she could only see his long shadow and not his face to thank him. The only condition Smith sets for Judy in exchange for the scholarship is that she must write to him once a month, without expecting a reply to her letters. The story recounts the details of three years in Judy's life, starting from her departure from the orphanage until her graduation from high school. The plot centers around the key characters of the novel: Judy Abbott: a clever and cheerful girl who lost her parents when she was a small child and grew up in an orphanage where she developed her writing talent. One of her essays catches the attention of John Smith (Daddy Long Legs), leading to her receiving a scholarship to Lincoln High School, where she befriends Sally McBride and Julia Pendleton.
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