MEBO is of natural and herbal . It IS composed of B·sitosterol 0.25% as the main active ingredient. The base of the Ointment IS composed of sesame oil and beeswax. tn addition to that, MEBO includes In Its formula 18 amino acids. 4 major fatty acids, vitamins. and polysaccharides.
1- Providing an optimum phYSiologICal moistore necessary for regeneration and repair.
2- Inducing an anti·inflammatory effect reducing thereby edema and erythema.
3- Creating an atmosphere unfavorabie for bacterial and fungal colonization.
4- Isolating and protecting exposed and Injured nerve endings producing thereby an analgesic effect.
5- Providing local nutrition for wound bed cells.
6- Liquefying the necrotic tissue.
7- lsolafing and protecting the wound bed from environmental factors but at the same time maintaining drainage and gaseous exchange.
8- Reducing body fluids loss from damaged skin (burns).
9- Absorbing reSIdual heat in acute burn wounds.
10- Expediting epithelialization with exceptionally acceptable cosrnesrs.
MEBO has been used successfully in the treatment of the follOWing wounds:
1- First-degree burns, where the pain relief and the fast heahng are remarkable, e.g sunburn.
2- Second degree bums. superficial and deep. If properly applied. no skin grafting IS needed and Regeneration takes place from hair follicles and glands in the dermis and sutx:utaneous tissus.
3- Third degree bums, to isolate the wound, reduce pain, and expedite nonsurgicaf debridement of the necrotic tissue to prepare the wound for grafting.
4- Donor site. to decrease pain, control Infection, and expedite healing (average of 7 days has been reported),
5- Chronic wounds including bed ulcers, diabetic foot. and leg ulcers.
6- Post laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, and dermabrasron.