The perfect guide to help you understand XBRL-from the "father of XBRL" What is XBRL and how can it help you streamline your business reporting? This plain-English guide from the "father of XBRL," Charles Hoffman, will tell you what it is, why it is, and how you can get on the bus with this new SEC-mandated business reporting standard for publicly-traded companies. A CPA, Hoffman is credited with the idea of applying XML data to financial reporting; XBRL is the language that resulted.Learn to prepare financial statements with XBRL, use it for strategic planning, move all relevant departments in your company to the same system, and more.* XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is an XML-based open standard for accounting data; author Charles Hoffman is credited with the idea of applying XML data to financial reporting* Plan for XBRL implementation, set action-oriented agendas, and identify stakeholders and subject-matter experts within your organization* Learn to choose from and adapt existing XBRL taxonomies to comply with US GAAP and IFRS standards Topics also include how to adapt your existing financial information into XBRL.
About the Author
Charles Hoffman is considered the father of XBRL. He is coeditor of the US GAAP Taxonomy Architecture and was named one of the 100 most influential people in accounting by Accounting Technology. Liv Apneseth Watson is among the founders of XBRL International and was vice chairman of XBRL International.