Buy Assassins Creed Odyssey + The Sims 4 + Detroit Become Human - (Intl Version) - playstation_4_ps4 in Saudi Arabia

Assassins Creed Odyssey + The Sims 4 + Detroit Become Human - (Intl Version) - playstation_4_ps4

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Assassins Creed Odyssey + The Sims 4 + Detroit Become Human - (Intl Version) - playstation_4_ps4 Details

Follows the story of the secret war and enables fighting in many different historical settings, Enables players to step into the shoes of three distinct android characters as the world teeters on the brink of chaos, Players develop Sim's parenting skills and help shape their children's lives into adulthood, Developed with highly immersive graphics for an enriched gaming experience

Type of Console Software
PlayStation 4 (PS4)
Model Number
Number of Players
Single Player & Multiplayer