Buy Fruit of the Loom girls Premium Thermal Waffle Underwear Set, Natural, 14-16 in Saudi Arabia

Fruit of the Loom girls Premium Thermal Waffle Underwear Set, Natural, 14-16

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Fruit of the Loom girls Premium Thermal Waffle Underwear Set, Natural, 14-16 Details

As the days start to get chillier, it is essential to keep your kids warm and protected, especially when they are playing outside. These Fruit of the Loom Premium Girl’s Thermal Waffle Sets are ideal for cold winter days. Made from U.S. sourced cotton and recycled polyester, this thermal waffle set is perfect for layering in colder weather; the soft mini waffle fabric and close fit styling provides bulk-free comfort and warmth all day long. The natural breathability of cotton offers moisture-wicking to keep your child dry, and the natural stretch offers flexible comfort that does not restrict their movements. The fabric’s waffle weaves create small air pockets that hold heat next to the body, and the rib cuffs at the wrists and ankles ensure heat stays trapped as much as possible. Additional features like a covered elastic waistband and tag-free label on the shirt enhance the overall comfort. Get your child ready for winter with these Fruit of the Loom Premium Girl’s Thermal Waffle Sets.

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