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Mind Above Mind

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Mind Above Mind Details

Book Description
We learned in our childhood that a rotten fruit alone is capable of spoiling the fruits around it, and if that analogy is a metaphor for the negative influence of bad friends, I find it appropriate to the subject of the book, indicating what the human mind has built on it, and the way it works, it is liable to spoil Totally if an idea spoiled inside him. Chris Burdick stops us at a strange power that lies within us, and takes us on a journey through time, past and present, to demonstrate the existence of that power and what it results in...the power of expectations. This effect does not fall within the context of human development books, and the growing controversy that entails, but it is a solid scientific work, dealing with dozens of clinical and laboratory experiments proven about the impact of expectations and others, from the psychological and physical perspectives. This book may help you to lift a long-delayed barrier between you and toxic people, who do not miss an opportunity to describe you with qualities that will affect you in the long run remarkably without knowing it. Metaphor, in Derek’s words, “is more than just a literary rhetorical image, it is also a cognitive reflex.” Perhaps this book is in your hand, so that you can monitor your thoughts before they turn into thoughts, your thoughts before they turn into actions, and your actions before they turn into habits.
Chris Burdick