The only person who sincerely wishes to be superior to you, and to be better than you; It's your son, isn't it? In order for this desire to turn into a reality and a tangible life; It is necessary to work to achieve it. Your children deserve to make every effort, time and money for their enjoyment of normal mental health, which I consider to be the most important outcome and goal that you should keep in mind during the education journey. A good relationship between you and your children, which is based on love, calm, respect and effective communication is one of the most important components of normal mental health. Before any action with your son, ask yourself: How will this behavior affect my relationship with my son? Will it strengthen and strengthen the relationship, or will it spoil and weaken the relationship?
How will my son explain this behavior? And always put yourself in your son's place, and think behind his behavior, why does he do what he does? What psychological need is he trying to satisfy with this behavior? What is the psychological state he is going through now? These questions and meditating on their answers will help you to act properly most of the time. And a final advice, you should re-read the book with a flexible mindset, go deeper into the idea, not the words, go deeper into the concept behind the speech, so you deepen the idea and realize the concept behind it will make you act flexibly in different situations, the goal of This book is not only giving you a set of strategies that you must apply to get the desired results, but also changing your concepts of parenting, which will make you act wisely and in a proper way even in situations that I did not address in the book.